About This Blog

Hi there! Welcome to our blog.
We are two sisters who wished to start this blog because we have often desired to discuss and review movies, books, t.v. shows etc. that no one we knew wanted to talk about! This little blog is our sheltered platform where we may gush and fan-girl and obsess over our many interests without having strange and confused looks being thrown our way.
We hope you enjoy our posts as much as we enjoy writing them. Have a good day, God bless you, and lastly, but not least, Onward - to Byzantium!

'... And therefore I have sailed the seas and come
     To the holy city of Byzantium...'

     -William Butler Yeats

-Anna and Irene


  1. Any blog with Ioan Gruffudd in his Horatio Hornblower costume in their header is going to appeal to me ;-) Looks like you're off to a great start!

  2. Haha, thanks! The Horatio Hornblower series is amazing. Sorry we didn't answer this comment earlier. Didn't even know it was here! Thank you very much for aforementioned comment!

  3. Nice looking blog!


    1. Thank you! We made like three or four different ones before we finally got this. We're glad you like it :D

  4. Hi : I found you through Megan's Blog. I really like your site.

    Actually it was your name that interested me. Years ago a read a book called Anna of Byzantium and two of the characters in it were sisters named Anna and Irene. So, I didn't know if your site had anything to do with the book or Byzantine history, but all the same, it's lovely.

    1. Sorry we didn't see this comment earlier!
      Oh my goodness, really? That is the craziest coincidence. I've never heard of the book. We're Byzantine Catholics so we just like that whole theme and period of history, but I had no idea we were in a book... That's so cool.
