Thank you so much to Hamlette from Hamlette's Soliloquy for nominating us for our first ever award! WE'RE FAMOUS! Before we answer all of her fun questions we are required to list the deets:
- List the award’s official rules (duh!)
- Display the award somewhere on your blog (hope this counts!)
- Thank the person who nominated you (thank you, Hamlette!)
- Provide a link to your nominator’s blog (did and done)
- Answer your nominator’s questions (will do!)
- Nominate up to 11 bloggers (Sorry, no can do)
- Ask your nominees 11 questions (wish we could!)
- Notify your nominees by commenting on at least one of their blog posts (again, wish we could but we don't know 11 bloggers)
The questions!:
1. What movie house would you like to live in?
- Swiss Family Robison! YESSSSSS!!! 1960 version, of course. Coolest DIY house EVER! We've wanted to live in that house since the first time we saw that movie, which was a very long time ago.
2. What movie pet would you like to own?
- Anna chooses Gwin from Inkheart who is the coolest looking ferret with two little spikes on his head and he does everything Dustfinger tells him to! He's so cool and adorable <3 Irene chooses Dog from Big Jake. Yes, his name is Dog. He's also super cool and really well trained. He takes out the bad guys!
3. What book do you wish your favorite actor or actress could have starred in an adaptation of?
- Hans Gudegast in the movie adaptation of Hilda Van Stockum's The Borrowed House as...Guess who!...DEITRICH! Baron Deitrich, that is.
4. Are there any movies you like better than the book they were based on?
- This was a hard question because we couldn't really think of any. However, the characterization of Agatha Christie's Poirot is much better in the movies than in the books.
5. What's your favorite movie that's set in the decade you were born in?
- Sahara! (The 2005 version) That is one fantabulous action movie.
6. Do you collect movie memorabilia of any sort?
- Uh, no. We collect the movies, not the memorabilia. Except for the Lord of the Rings. If we could get our hands on memorabilia from that, we definitely would.
7. What actor and actress have never made a movie together, but you wish would have?
- Well, William Powell and Myrna Loy were already in a bunch of movies together, so...
8. What director would you like to have direct a movie based on your life?
- Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger. Peter Jackson would be great if our lives were exciting, but unfortunately, that is not the case, so's we think Powell and Pressburger would do a better job with our boringness. Elia Kazan would be great too.
9. Do you ever like a remake better than the original film?
- Nope. At least, it hasn't happened yet.
10. What's your least-favorite movie genre?
- Horror is from the Devil... Literally, so none of that in this house. We try to avoid romance generally, although there are a couple that melt one's heart, so yeah
11. Are there any movies in your least-favorite genre that you do like?
- 'I Know Where I'm Going' (1945) is technically a romance, so there's that. Ooh, 'And Now Tomorrow' (1944) is absolutely lovely!
Oh, I used to imagine I lived in the Swiss Family Robinson's house! Good stuff.
ReplyDeleteGwin and Dog are both lovely choices for pets.
Aww, I haven't thought of Sahara in ages, but you're right, that's a super-fun movie.
HIGHEST of high fives to fellow fans of And Now Tomorrow!!! One of my favorite Alan Ladd films. The book by Rachel Field is also wonderful, btw.
Glad you had fun with this :-)
We almost couldn't decide between that and Villa Villa Coola from Pippi Longstocking...
ReplyDeleteIt's honestly one of the only movies our dad likes. He's very difficult to please with movies and just likes spy movies and an action movie here and there ;D
Yaaasss!!!! I love that movie. It's probably my favorite Alan Ladd, which is embarrassing, since it's a romance, but I like him in it better than any other movie I've seen by him.
Why would that be embarrassing? Ladd could play a love scene with the best of them. Especially the kind where he's all crabby and unwilling to admit that he likes a girl, and seems to be nice to her against his will. The dialog by Raymond Chandler doesn't hurt either. That's probably the first Alan Ladd movie I ever saw, actually, way back in my mid-teens.
DeleteYeah, he does play it great, but in this family we make fun of each other when we like a romance ;) I have seen a couple movies with Raymond Chandler's dialogue, and he is so good!
DeleteMy dad makes fun of anything romantical at all, so I get that.